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Showing posts from September, 2016

Blog Overhaul & Tekken 7 Project

Hello! If you've been to this blog within the last ... 7 hours as of writing, you'll see a massive overhaul took place. If you were trying to navigate it while it was being overhauled (that's a big if. Its not like i'm popular or anything), then I'm really sorry. I also noticed that commenting wasn't available on most of my posts. Fixed that. I realized that while the Dynamic views look amazing, they're a headache for certain gadgets. I'm envious of the GoogleBlog . It's so sleek and simple.

PlayStation 20th Anniversary Custom Wallpaper

Hello! It's a whole year but I still did one. Lool It's not too late to say Happy Anniversary once more, right? I just wanted to make something new so I put together two PlayStation 20th Anniversary wallpapers.

Biohazard 7 @TGS2016

Let me just say this game freaks me out.

Horizon Zero Dawn @ TGS2016 + Wallpaper Update Patches

Hello! So I realized the latest downloads I offered were terribly flawed. Since then I went back to the drawing board (PSD) and got them fixed up. Wallpapers No's. 1, 2, 3, & 4. I also buffed up and made proper 1080HD versions for the rest of us mortals who don't have a 4K screen (yes that includes me). You can grab your desired, fixed version(s) here on  DeviantART .

PlayStation Press Conference + Free PlayStation Themed 4K Wallpaper

I Caught the 4K Bug; PlayStation Baby PS4 CM  「山田の絶叫、太賀の昇天”PS4®に全部来る”」 If you're reading this then kudos to you! (blessings really) So I caught the PlayStation press conference the other night, but wasn't going to do anything about it. Then I watched a YouTube video and couldn't sit still.

Playstation Meeting 2k16: The PS4 Pro & Profile Avatars

So its yesterday by now since I got so occupied after the double event squeeze of San Francisco and New York. I revealed the new Playstation to a Facebook group to keep everyone up to date and then got engaged in conversations. Before I knew it I had to leave. Came back and started watch Azumanga DAIOU and playing Tekken. So it's Playstation time. The Playstation 4 Pro

Apple Event - iPhone 7 & Free Wallpaper

So today, Apple unveiled its newest devices and I was there (at my computer) to see it all. I actually didn't even know until my friend told me. I don't really look out for everything Apple puts on but I never got the news of this event. I'm glad I tuned in. I mainly came to see the new iPhone reveal and there was a ton of “boring” stuff before that. iTunes and all that. Then, someone very familiar came up.